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About us

What is CrankyBot?

CrankyBot is a blend of geekery, science and art, based on the joint efforts of husband and wife team, Alastair and Ruth. We are hobbyist makers and we love all manner of laser-cut geekery (particularly robots). The laser-cut goodies are a collaboration between Alastair's programming skills and Ruth's design skills.

CrankyBot is based in Canberra, Australia.

The designs

Our designs are inspired by the beauty and patterns within science and nature. We are constantly amazed and inspired by the natural art within our amazing world and universe. You'll see us busy scribbling ideas in our sketch book, slowly turning our scribblings into laser cut beauties.

All our items are designed and created at our home studio in Canberra, Australia, unless otherwise stated.

Why are you called CrankyBot?

The design label is called CrankyBot because Ruth loves Robots and Cranky is the opposite of her nature (although Alastair may disagree!).